Uppsala University was established by papal bull in 1477 in Uppsala, Sweden. Uppsala University's history reads like a tapestry of conflicts in academic freedom, political and religious factors in education. It is one of the oldest universities in Europe. Following the Reformation and the establishment of Lutheranism in Sweden in 1593, Uppsala broadened the scope of education from classical canon law, medicine and Latin to include general natural science, astronomy, physics and mathematics. Today, Uppsala University has a student body of 20,000 undergraduate, graduate students and 2,000 doctoral students Uppsala University is credited with 15 Nobel Laureates and numerous research discoveries. Physician and Botanist Carl Linneaus and Anders Celsius, physicist transformed scientific inquiry in their respective disciplines.

P.O. Box 256 SE-751 05 Uppsala, SWEDEN

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New data indicate record number of armed conflicts in the world

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Study finds women are vulnerable in post-war peace processes

Post-war peace processes are a dangerous period for women. Many are forced to live close to men who committed serious abuse during the war or are expected to testify in various types of truth commissions, which can be both ...

Eight new deep-sea species of marine sponges discovered

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