Unfolding the mysteries of DNA origami

Experiments performed by a University of York physicist have provided new insights into how DNA assembles into nanostructures, paving the way for more precise use in technology and medicine.

Top ten bird species surviving thanks to zoos

The African penguin, the Chinese Blue-crowned laughing thrush and the Ecuador Amazon parrot are among species staving off extinction thanks to the help of zoos, according to a new report co-ordinated by a conservation biologist ...

Protecting the environment by re-thinking death

Scientists first had to re-think death before they could develop a way of testing the potential harm to the environment caused by thousands of chemicals humankind uses each day.

Scientists unlock secrets of stars through aluminium

Physicists at the University of York have revealed a new understanding of nucleosynthesis in stars, providing insight into the role massive stars play in the evolution of the Milky Way and the origins of the Solar System.

Research says tackling homelessness early is cost-effective

A study by researchers at the University of York and Crisis shows how intervening to help people when they first become homeless makes good economic sense, saving between £3,000 and £18,000 for every person helped.

New research on the causes of the Viking Age

The Viking hit-and-run raids on monastic communities such as Lindisfarne and Iona were the most infamous result of burgeoning Scandinavian maritime prowess in the closing years of the Eighth Century.

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