Scientists produce status check on quantum teleportation

Mention the word 'teleportation' and for many people it conjures up "Beam me up, Scottie" images of Captain James T Kirk. But in the last two decades quantum teleportation – transferring the quantum structure of an object ...

Gel study uncovers unexpected dynamics

Research by scientists at the University of York has revealed important new information about the dynamics of bacterial gels which could ultimately suggest new ways of helping prevent or better control diseases such as cystic ...

Ants on the march in non-native conifer forests

A species of ant is thriving in habitats created by thousands of acres of coniferous forest planted in a UK National Park in the last 60 years, according to new research by scientists from the Department of Biology at the ...

Secrets of a heat-loving microbe unlocked

Scientists studying how a heat-loving microbe transfers its DNA from one generation to the next say it could further our understanding of an extraordinary superbug.

Fighting explosives pollution with plants

Biologists at the University of York have taken an important step in making it possible to clean millions of hectares of land contaminated by explosives.

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