Using probiotics to protect honey bees against fatal disease

Probiotics, beneficial microorganisms best known for promoting gut health in humans, are now being used by Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute scientists to save honey bee colonies from collapse. A new ...

Study targets graduate student stress

Rebecca Fried readily acknowledges her doctoral research addressing stress among graduate students was, well, stressful. "The irony was never lost on me."

Study turns attention to rural homelessness

Homeless individuals in rural areas are offered few options when it comes to assistance in their communities, frequently forcing them into urban centers in search of help.

Survey explores trans, non-binary population

Researchers hope findings from a new nationwide survey will offer greater insights into trans and non-binary communities where little data currently exist—doing for Canada what a similar survey did for Ontario a decade ...

Researchers seeking fragments of fireball in Ontario

Researchers are seeking the public's help in locating fragments of a fireball that shone as bright as the full moon observed by Western's All-Sky Camera Network across at 2:44 a.m. ET this morning.

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