Motivating gamers with personalized game design

A team of multidisciplinary researchers at the University of Waterloo has identified three basic video game player traits that will help to make game design more personalized and more effectively motivate gamers in both entertainment ...

Many wildlife-vehicle collisions preventable

A new study from the University of Waterloo has found that Ontario could save millions by implementing simple measures to help prevent vehicle accidents involving wildlife.

Mergers are good news for investors

Shareholder value and market share improve when companies merge, confirms a new study from the University of Waterloo.

Climate change broadens threat of emerald ash borer

More Canadian cities will experience damage from the emerald ash borer than previously thought. As a result of climate change and fewer days of extreme cold, the beetle may eat its way further north than originally estimated.

Census data can level the playing field for small businesses

Local governments and small businesses could save thousands of dollars a year in consulting and research fees if they just used information that's already publicly available, according to research from the University of Waterloo.

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