Health treatment through chemical synthesis

Introducing molecular complexity through the shortest possible route – this is the daily business of Vittorio Pace. In an interview with uni:view, the pharmaceutical chemist explains what this means exactly, what his latest ...

Formation of magma oceans on exoplanet

Induction heating can completely change the energy budget of an exoplanet and even melt its interior. In a study published by Nature Astronomy an international team led by the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy ...

Microbes leave 'fingerprints' on Martian rocks

Scientists around Tetyana Milojevic from the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Vienna are in search of unique biosignatures, which are left on synthetic extraterrestrial minerals by microbial activity. The biochemist ...

Sharing of science is most likely among male scientists

Even though science is becoming increasingly competitive, scientists are still very willing to share their work with colleagues. This is especially true for male scientists among each other and less so for females among each ...

Artificial intelligence for obtaining chemical fingerprints

Researchers at the Universities of Vienna and Göttingen have succeeded in developing a method for predicting molecular infrared spectra based on artificial intelligence. These chemical "fingerprints" could only be simulated ...

The evolutionary origin of the gut

How did the gut, the skin and musculature evolve? This question concerns scientists for more than a century. Through the investigation of the embryonic development of sea anemones, a very old animal lineage, researchers from ...

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