Glaciers on Svalbard behave differently

Many glaciers on Svalbard behave very differently from other glaciers worldwide. They advance massively for some years and then quickly retreat – and then remain quiescent for fifty to a hundred years – before they once ...

Global climate agreements could be counterproductive

International climate agreements like the Kyoto Protocol may discourage much-needed investment in renewable energy sources, and hence be counterprodutive, according to new research.

Historic environmental awareness is changing China

In China, there has been an explosion of interest in the environment. There is every indication that extreme air pollution is driving new visions of sustainability and new formats of interaction between the political authorities ...

Little faith in carbon capture in the EU and USA

Pessimism prevails about the future of carbon capture and storage in both the USA and EU. This is despite the fine promises that it was precisely this technology that would save the oil and gas industry.

Putting piano music from Schubert's time under the microscope

"Pianists' playing technique has changed considerably over the last 200 years," says Christina Kobb, PhD scholar at the Norwegian Academy of Music. For the last five years she has studied piano treatises of the early nineeenth ...

The psychological effects of film music

Nanette Nielsen, a newly appointed researcher at the Department of Musicology, has just completed a research project in which she and her colleagues studied film soundtracks and their potential effect.

One billion people still live without electricity

A single light bulb greatly simplifies a family's daily life, enabling family members to carry out various activities indoors. The children do their homework, and the mother sews or prepares dinner. Indoor lighting also makes ...

Looking for alternatives to antibiotics

Bacteria that talk to one another and organize themselves into biofilms are more resistant to antibiotics. Researchers are now working to develop drugs that prevent bacteria from communicating.

100,000 bird samples online

The Natural History Museum (NHM) in Oslo has a bird collection of international size. It is now available online.

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