Sucrose and citric acid combination effective at killing bacteria

Sucrose and citric acid are common ingredients in a cup of tea. But as a NADES (Natural deep eutectic solvents) compound these substances in combination can kill bacteria as effectively as if they were overrun by a bulldozer.

How a bacterial virulence factor promotes its own secretion

In adhering to body cells, many bacteria cause disease. Antibiotics are the usual means for treating infection, but decades of use have led to increasing bacterial resistance. Therefore, scientists are looking at other strategies.

The Atlantic cod's sex gene revealed

New methods at University of Oslo have made it possible to determine the Atlantic cod´s gender genetically. This could increase profits on cod in aquaculture.

Changes in the immune system lead to success

The sequencing of the Atlantic cod genome in 2011 demonstrated that this species lacks a crucial part of its immune system. In a follow-up study, Kjetill S. Jakobsen and collaborators have investigated a large number of additional ...

Oil pollution a threat to haddock

Haddock is an important fish species that has its most important spawning ground in and around Norway's northern Lofoten archipelago, where oil production is being planned. However, research now reveals that the roe and larvae ...

Bacteria use their own pumps to collect magnesium

Researchers at UiO and NCMM have discovered that the system used by bacteria to transport magnesium is so sensitive that it can detect a pinch of magnesium salt in a swimming pool.

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