Picture this—biosecurity seen from the inside

When plants come under attack internal alarm bells ring and their defence mechanisms swing into action - and it happens in the space of just a few minutes. Now, for the first time, plant scientists - including experts from ...

Levitation recreates nature's dumbbells

Splash form tektites are tiny pieces of natural glass created out of spinning drops of molten rock flung from the earth during an extra-terrestrial impact—when the earth is hit by asteroids or comets. They come in a myriad ...

Smart meters could cause conflict for housemates, study shows

Arguments about whose turn it is to do the washing up, negotiating rights to the TV remote control and disputes over noise—as many students returning to university for the new academic year are about to learn the hard way, ...

Taking the 'sting' out of reproduction

(Phys.org) —Female parasitic wasps have more reproductive success when working together with other females, which can also explain sex biased reproduction, according to new research.

There's a kind of Hush surrounding quantum systems

(Phys.org) —Has a persistent noise ever kept you awake at night? Well it isn't just you. Scientists at The University of Nottingham have had the same problem with quantum technologies.

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