Exomoons may be home to extra-terrestrial life

Moons orbiting planets outside our solar system could offer another clue about the pool of worlds that may be home to extra-terrestrial life, according to an astrophysicist at the University of Lincoln.

Could climate change cause infertility?

The scientific community has long held an understanding about the effect of temperature on sperm production in mammals, but this new study sheds light on how spermatogenesis in insects is hampered at extreme temperatures.

Combining multiple CCTV images could help catch suspects

Combining multiple poor quality CCTV images into a single, computer-enhanced composite could improve the accuracy of facial recognition systems used to identify criminal suspects, new research suggests.

Nanomedicine: Drugs can be made 'smarter'

A new method has been developed to make drugs 'smarter' using nanotechnology so they will be more effective at reaching their target.

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