Obtaining polyester from plant oil

The development of future technologies that are not based on mineral oil and can be used for producing chemicals and plastics is one of the major tasks in modern materials science and a key challenge that needs to be addressed ...

New technique for in-cell distance determination

In a joint paper, researchers from the University of Konstanz, Bielefeld University and ETH Zurich demonstrate for the first time that the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique RIDME (relaxation-induced dipolar ...

'Technostress' and the role of the welfare state

Technological change is currently driving fundamental changes to the world of work—with significant consequences for social inequality. Against this backdrop, the interdisciplinary research project "Digitalization, Automation ...

Estimating wealth from outer space

They found that it is possible to make inferences about the wealth of a region by measuring the amount of nighttime illumination. While this has been used for large geographic units such as countries, the two researchers ...

Impact on the collective behaviour of animal groups

Disturbance events such as human interference or predator attacks may negatively affect animal groups. Using an innovative tracking technique, researchers from the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology ...

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