Climate of Jupiter and Saturn may yield clues to Earth's weather

What can the climates of other planets tell us about the Earth's weather? According to a researcher at the University of Houston, data being collected from Jupiter, Saturn and Saturn's largest moon, Titan, can offer clues ...

Research offers new evidence about the Gulf of Mexico's past

Geologists studying a region in the Mexican state of Veracruz have discovered evidence to explain the origin of the Wilcox Formation, one of Mexico's most productive oil plays, as well as support for the theory that water ...

Study examines the downside of larger families

Large families often capture the public's attention, from "The Brady Bunch" to "19 Kids and Counting." But new research from economists at the University of Houston offers strong evidence that children in larger families ...

Study: We trust in those who believe in God

It's political season and there's one thing you're sure to hear a lot about from candidates vying for support—religion. Talking directly or subtly about religion has become part of the American way in political campaigns.

Research looks at impact of hedge fund activism

Hedge fund activism often initially bolsters the target company but new research has found that it weakens the competition, which may hurt innovation and the larger economy.

Research sheds new light on the Great Recession

It's no secret that a housing bubble kicked off the financial crisis that began in 2007, rippling through institutions caught holding subprime mortgages. But a fresh look suggests much of the lingering damage was caused by ...

Study finds Texas voter photo ID requirement discourages turnout

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. This week also marks a watershed ruling by a federal appeals court striking down the controversial Texas voter ID law as violating that landmark civil rights ...

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