Using Disney movies to help with child development

Worried your children are getting too much screen time during the COVID-19 pandemic? How many times can a person watch "Frozen," right? Turns out, animated movies can serve as valuable tools for parents and counselors alike ...

How political nostalgia predicts political outcomes

Nostalgia, defined as a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, has become a growing focus of research in personality and social psychology. Though it may seem counterintuitive, nostalgia has been proven to ...

Employment realities don't match people's dreams

When it comes to career aspirations for teenagers, a University of Houston psychology researcher believes it's best to shoot for the moon, so you can at least land in the stars. The truth is the moon may sometimes be unreachable.

Does zinc inhibit or promote growth of kidney stones? Well, both

A funny thing happened on the way to discovering how zinc impacts kidney stones—two different theories emerged, each contradicting the other. One: Zinc stops the growth of the calcium oxalate crystals that make up the stones; ...

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