Study identifies how blood stem cells maintain their fate

Understanding the molecular mechanisms that specify and maintain the identities of more than 200 cell types of the human body is arguably one of the most fundamental problems in molecular and cellular biology, with critical ...

Meet the forest microbes that can survive megafires

New UC Riverside research shows fungi and bacteria able to survive redwood tanoak forest megafires are microbial "cousins" that often increase in abundance after feeling the flames.

How mountain streams signal climate change

A new tool can better assess an important but overlooked indicator of global warming: the variety of bugs, worms, and snails living in high mountain streams.

Malaria parasite's survival linked to two proteins

Malaria, a mosquito-borne disease, killed more than 620,000 people worldwide in 2020. Jeopardizing the survival of Plasmodium falciparum, the malaria parasite, is one way to control the spread of this deadly disease.

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