Simulation provides images from the carbon nucleus

What does the inside of a carbon atom's nucleus look like? A new study by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Michigan State University and the University of Bonn provides the first comprehensive answer to this question. In the study, ...

How blocking cell wall formation stops bacterial cell division

Researchers still do not understand exactly how antibiotics kill bacteria. However, this understanding is necessary to develop new antibiotics. And that is precisely what is urgently needed, because bacteria are currently ...

Researchers solve a 150-year-old mystery about aetosaurs

Aetosaurs had a small head and a crocodile-like body. The land dwellers were up to six meters long and widely distributed geographically. They died out about 204 million years ago, at the end of the Triassic.

Unraveling the protein map of the cell's mitochondria

Mitochondria are responsible for the energy supply of the organism and fulfill functions in metabolic and signaling processes. Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB) and the University of Freiburg have gained systematic ...

A bone cancer tumor more than 215 million years old

More than 215 million years ago, a large amphibian species lived in floodplains in southwestern Poland: Metoposaurus krasiejowensis. On one of these fossils, Polish and American scientists, with the participation of researchers ...

Newly discovered process brings immune cells up to speed

Cancer cells use an unusual mechanism to migrate into new tissue and form metastases there. The same process probably also keeps some immune cells on their toes. This is the result of a recent study led by the University ...

A new field of research: Crystal traces in fossil leaves

In fossil leaves, puzzling structures are often visible under the microscope. Researchers at the University of Bonn have now been able to show for the first time that they originate from calcium oxalate crystals. On the one ...

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