Binary stars boost cosmic carbon footprint

The cosmic origin of carbon, a fundamental building block of life, is still uncertain. Massive stars play an important role in the synthesis of all heavy elements, from carbon and oxygen to iron and so on. But even though ...

A new ecological approach to protect biodiversity

Four fundamental processes shaping biodiversity should be taken into account to explain why some ecosystems are more sensitive than others to human impacts such as climate change and habitat destruction. The knowledge gained ...

Study: Scientists carry greater credibility than spiritual gurus

What influence does the source of information have on its credibility? Scientists have more authority than spiritual sources, both among religious and non-religious people. This is apparent from a large-scale experiment conducted ...

Biologists find gene that creates extra vacuoles in plant cells

Sometimes plant cells don't have just one large central cavity, or vacuole, but several. These can even have different functions. How is that possible? A team led by UvA biologists Ronald Koes and Francesca Quattrocchio took ...

Microbiome composition found to influence depression

Our microbiome, the billions of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies, control many important bodily functions, including those in our brain. Recent research by Amsterdam UMC, the University of Amsterdam and Erasmus ...

How can we break the racial bias in the labour market?

When interviewing a job candidate, people often have certain preferences that are not just based on a rational evaluation of the person's skills, but also on gut feelings. These feelings can be fed by our biases that develop ...

A photonic curveball has real-world examples in soccer, baseball

Have you ever been amazed by a curveball goal scored by Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi or Christiano Ronaldo? Then you have—possibly without knowing it—been exposed to the Magnus effect: the fact that spinning objects tend ...

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