Q&A: Expert discusses wildfire smoke and air quality

New York City set a record last week for the worst recorded air quality the city has ever seen due to wildfire smoke drifting from Canada. At its peak, the Air Quality Index (AQI) for the city reached 405 out of 500 —the ...

Researchers advance DNA nanostructure stability

Researchers at the University at Albany's RNA Institute have demonstrated a new approach to DNA nanostructure assembly that does not require magnesium. The method improves the biostability of the structures, making them more ...

Social inequities reflected in wait times: The poor wait longer

Nobody likes waiting for services, whether it's a long line at the grocery store or an extra half-hour in a doctor's waiting room. Turns out wait times are not the same for everyone: Black Americans and lower income Americans ...

Arctic sea ice loss leads to more frequent strong El Niño events

Over the last 40 years, a rapid shrinking of Arctic sea ice has been one of the most significant indicators of climate change. The amount of sea ice that survives the Arctic summer has declined 13% per decade since the late ...

Study: Сollapse of ancient Mayan capital linked to drought

Prolonged drought likely helped to fuel civil conflict and the eventual political collapse of Mayapan, the ancient capital city of the Maya on the Yucatán Peninsula, suggests a new study in Nature Communications that was ...

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