How can we help endangered vultures?

Zoologists from the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin are proposing an ingenious idea to help conserve populations of African white-backed vultures. The iconic birds, which play a critical role in sustaining ...

Women improve driving more than men following 'black box' feedback

A cross border road safety study using the latest 'black box' telematics technology has found that, after training and when presented with relevant feedback, the driving behaviour of young women motorists improves significantly ...

Trinity geologists re-write Earth's evolutionary history books

Geologists from Trinity College Dublin have rewritten the evolutionary history books by finding that oxygen-producing life forms were present on Earth some 3 billion years ago – a full 60 million years earlier than previously ...

The right amount of grazing builds diverse forest ecosystems

Botanists from Trinity College Dublin have provided surprising evidence to show that preventing hungry deer from munching on plants actually decreases floral biodiversity in globally important woodland ecosystems.

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