Chickadees lose weight in the summer

In 2016, TSU scientists studied almost 3000 birds of 67 species in the Tomsk region. At the same time, 300 big titmice (chickadees) in the university grove received individual colored labels. The intensive bird banding allowed ...

Russian library digitizes collection of the oldest printed books

Scientists at the TSU Research Library have digitized and issued a collection of 26 incunabula—early printed books published in Europe before 1501. One of these books, a medieval textbook about poetic dimensions published ...

New catalyst for the fight against smog

TSU chemists are creating a fundamentally new silver catalyst to purify the air, capable of decomposing toxic carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful volatile substances into harmless components. This nanostructure ...

Radiophysicists double the efficiency of solar cells

Anton Pischagin, a graduate student of the Faculty of Radiophysics advised by Professor Andrey Kokhanenko, is developing nanostructures based on silicon for converting solar energy into electricity. These materials will allow ...

Two new studies confirm the 'endogenosymbiosis' hypothesis

Endogenosymbiosis, such as the capacity of "gene carriers" (viruses, retrovirus and bacteriophages) to share parts of their genomes in an endogenous symbiotic relationship with their hosts, was proposed in 2015 by Roberto ...

Scientists create an effective analgesic without side effects

Scientists at the Institute for Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies (IPCET) and collaborators have developed tiovyurtsin, a generic drug for the treatment of pain. The new analgesic lacks the side effects typical ...

New laser device to help pilots land aircraft in bad weather

The staff of the Tomsk State University with colleagues from the Pulslight Ltd company (Bulgaria) have invented a multi-wavelength laser, MLM-01, using a metal vapor of copper, strontium, calcium and barium. The new system ...

Paleontologists discover a big concentration of mammoth bones

Over a month, scientists and students ofTomsk State University (Russia) conducted an excavation in the Novosibirsk Region at one of the largest mammoth graveyards in Eurasia. Remnants of these ancient animals abound in the ...

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