100 kilometers of quantum-encrypted transfer

Researchers at DTU have successfully distributed a quantum-secure key using a method called continuous variable quantum key distribution (CV QKD). The researchers have managed to make the method work over a record 100 km ...

Large effect of Solar activity on Earth's energy budget

This is the result of a new study by researchers from DTU Space at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who have traced the consequences of eruptions on the Sun on clouds and ...

Abundance of information narrows our collective attention span

The negative effects of social media and a hectic news cycle on our attention span has been an ongoing discussion in recent years—but there's been a lack of empirical data supporting claims of a 'social acceleration.' A ...

Microalgae have great potential as fish feed ingredient

Commercially produced microalgae could become a sustainable fish feed ingredient, a project from the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, has shown. In the project concepts have been developed to grow, ...

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