Hydrogen bus trial shows promise

Heavy transport that emits heat and water instead of diesel exhaust is within WA's reach, a Murdoch University researcher says.

More 'choice' than chance in broadcast spawning

Chemical signals used by the eggs of broadcast spawning invertebrates to assist sperm in fertilisation could also play a role in sexual selection, or mate choice.

How solar panels are making waves

If you think of electrical current flowing like water from the grid to your home, you can start to imagine the waves your rooftop solar panels create when they try feeding current in the opposite direction.

Uncooperative snottygobble coughs up germination secrets

The phrase might be associated with a bad cold but a mystery surrounding WA's strangely named snottygobble tree (Persoonia longifolia R.Br.) is about to be cleared up, with a study into the plant's germination triggers entering ...

Warmer beaches influence sex ratios of loggerhead hatchlings

While Dirk Hartog Island is the southernmost rookery for loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), UWA and Murdoch University biologists say climate change may ultimately lead to the species nesting successfully on beaches further ...

Fish species flourish in hypersaline estuary

Scientists have a better understanding of fish capable of living in highly saline estuaries following an in-depth study of the Leschenault Estuary in south-western Australia.

Shark's sixth sense aid attacks from below

Wobbegong (Orectolobus maculatus) and angel sharks (Squatina australis) have evolved unique electrosensory pores that aid attacks on unsuspecting prey from beneath, according to a recent study.

Great Scott! Flying cars arrive in Perth

The creators of Back to the Future II had us believe flying cars, anti-gravity hoverboards and fax machines would be ubiquitous in the early 21st Century.

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