The Salk Institute for Biological Studies (Salk Institute) was founded in 1960 by Jonas Salk, (polio vaccine), Jacob Bronowski and Francis Crick as an independent, private-not for profit scientific research center in the La Jolla, California area. The Salk Institute has around 700 labs in the areas of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Neurosciences; and Plant Biology. The architectural majesty of the Salk Institute is awesome. The Salk Institute has significant resources devoted to the aging process, Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Parkinson's Disease and numerous genetic and mirco-biology studies. About eight Nobel Laureates have been associated with the Salk Institute.

Salk Institute for Biological Studies Post Office Box 85800 San Diego, California 92186-5800

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Study reveals key gene protecting plants from harmful metals in soil

The negative impact of human activity on Earth doesn't just affect our planet's atmosphere—it goes much deeper, into its soils. For instance, excessive application of manure or sewage sludge can increase heavy metal concentrations ...

Modeling the origins of life: New evidence for an 'RNA World'

Charles Darwin described evolution as "descent with modification." Genetic information in the form of DNA sequences is copied and passed down from one generation to the next. But this process must also be somewhat flexible, ...

Unleashing the power of AI to track animal behavior

Movement offers a window into how the brain operates and controls the body. From clipboard-and-pen observation to modern artificial intelligence-based techniques, tracking human and animal movement has come a long way. Current ...

New imaging technique can capture entire plant tissues in 3D

The cellular life inside a plant is as vibrant as the blossom. In each plant tissue—from root tip to leaf tip—there are hundreds of cell types that relay information about functional needs and environmental changes. Now, ...

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