Catalysis steps into the third dimension

Nonsurfactant polymers template produces a highly porous, three-dimensional inorganic crystal to enhance catalysis and separation.

Getting a handle on extremes

By tapping into the power of extreme value theory, an international team of researchers including Raphaël Huser from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology's Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and ...

The switch that could double USB memory

Scientists at Hokkaido University have developed a device that employs both magnetic and electronic signals, which could provide twice the storage capacity of conventional memory devices, such as USB flash drives.

Philippine fishing and its links to Japan’s “sea women”

A researcher at the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) is studying the ancient Japanese culture of "ama" – women who traditionally free-dive in the sea in search of seaweed, lobsters, snail "turbo" shells and, ...

Decoding light for clues about dark matter

An international team of researchers is developing an instrument that will decode the light of the night sky to understand the nature of dark matter.

New glue instantly hardens with electric current

Researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore believe the adhesive may be a game-changer in manufacturing fields as diverse as biological implants and automobiles.

Reaching out to stars beyond our galaxy

An international team of researchers in Japan is getting ready to power up a 50,000-ton neutrino detector by adding a single metal, which will turn it into the world's first detector capable of analysing exploding stars beyond ...

How Hong Kong youth perceive parenthood

Young people in Hong Kong are shifting their perceptions of parenthood from traditional Chinese cultural values, which emphasize family relationships and family loyalty, toward global values, such as individualism and consumerism, ...

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