Cell's waste disposal system regulates body clock proteins

Rhythmic expression of key genes is essential for maintaining proper timekeeping of the body's clock. In addition, rhythmic degradation of clockwork proteins is also crucial. However, surprisingly, researchers know little ...

Study decodes structure of protein complex active in DNA repair

The human body, if anything, is economical. The fittingly named and abundant protein ubiquitin is best known for its central role in recycling misfolded proteins. But it has other functions, too - the addition or removal ...

Cell aging slowed by putting brakes on noisy transcription

Working with yeast and worms, researchers found that incorrect gene expression is a hallmark of aged cells and that reducing such "noise" extends lifespan in these organisms. The team published their findings this month in ...

Sleep deprivation reduces aggression, mating behavior in flies

Whether you're a human, a mouse, or even a fruitfly, losing sleep is a bad thing, leading to physiological effects and behavioral changes. One example that has been studied for many years is a link between sleep loss and ...

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