Green backyards help increase urban climate resilience

Green spaces in cities have a number of positive effects: they're good for our physical and mental health, they're good for the environment, and they can even help fight off the effects of climate change.

The tallest Begonia species in all Asia found in Tibet, China

With over 2,050 known species, Begonia is one of the largest plant genera. Since most Begonias are small weeds, a Begonia taller than a human is a very unusual sight. However, the newly discovered Begonia gigantica is one ...

Seed beetle diversity in Xinjiang, China

An international team of scientists has looked into the diminutive world of seed beetles in Xinjiang, China to reveal a diversity of 19 species for the region, 4 of which are new records for the area. The study was published ...

New alpine moth solves a 180-year-old mystery

Butterflies and moths (order Lepidoptera) are one of the most diverse animal groups. To date, scientists have found as many as 5,000 species from the Alps alone. Having been a place of intensive research interest for 250 ...

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