Monster fish of the deep

Do bugs gross you out? You haven't seen anything yet. To get some really weird creatures, you've got to look in the deep sea.

Behind the puppy-dog eyes

Eye contact between dingoes and humans reveals clues of the domestication process.

Australia's getting a space agency—now what?

With an Australian space agency on everyone's mind, we chatted to the European Space Agency's Director General about how we got here, what's next and why space agencies matter.

Why people hate maths and how to fix it

What do you think of when you think of maths? If you're like most people, it's probably something like: numbers, equations, boredom, anxiety and pain.

​A new era of dinosaurs

Q: What looks like a duck but can't fly? A: Therizinosaurus, one of the dinosaurs you'll meet at Dinosaur Discovery: Lost creatures of the Cretaceous.

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