Got a pain? -- Have a cup of Brazilian mint

For thousands of years it has been prescribed by traditional healers in Brazil to treat a range of ailments from headaches and stomach pain to fever and flu.

Losing the fight against antibiotic resistance

Tackling antibiotic resistance on only one front is a waste of time because resistant genes are freely crossing environmental, agricultural and clinical boundaries, new research has shown.

Tooth protection from the sea

( -- A team of dentists and scientists from Newcastle University are developing a new product from a marine microbe to protect dentures, teeth and gums from bacteria in the mouth.

Deep sea scientist breaks British depth record

Dr. Alan Jamieson, Chief Scientist on the Five Deeps Expedition and a senior lecturer at Newcastle University, UK, was part of the team to reach one of the most isolated points on the planet: the deepest point of the Java ...

New chromosome origin element identified

Newcastle University scientists have discovered a new essential sequence within bacterial genomes required for DNA replication - the second ever to be discovered and the first for 30 years.

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