Deep sea scientist breaks British depth record

Dr. Alan Jamieson, Chief Scientist on the Five Deeps Expedition and a senior lecturer at Newcastle University, UK, was part of the team to reach one of the most isolated points on the planet: the deepest point of the Java ...

Sharks more vulnerable than originally thought

A study of small-scale fisheries operating from Kenya, Zanzibar and Madagascar, has revealed the massive underreporting of sharks and rays caught annually in the region.

Cities under pressure

Cities to swelter as planners face unenviable trade-off between tackling climate change and quality of life, new research has shown.

Cultivating 4-D tissues—the self-curving cornea

Scientists at Newcastle University have developed a biological system which lets cells form a desired shape by moulding their surrounding material—in the first instance creating a self-curving cornea.

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