Ionic decision-maker capable of self-learning

A NIMS research group has invented an ionic device, termed an ionic decision-maker, capable of quickly making its own decisions based on previous experience using changes in ionic/molecular concentrations. The group then ...

Observation of anisotropic magneto-Peltier effect

NIMS and Tohoku University have jointly observed an anisotropic magneto-Peltier effect—a thermoelectric conversion phenomenon in which simple redirection of a charge current in a magnetic material induces heating and cooling. ...

Driving soft molecular vehicles on a metallic surface

Soft molecules deposited on metallic surfaces were driven using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) without mechanically pulling or pushing them, but by inducing inelastic excitations with the tunneling current.

Gradation-tint smart window

NIMS, Waseda University and Tama Art University developed together smart glass capable of producing various shades on its surface. Unlike the conventional types, the newly developed tinting smart glass allows users to easily ...

Technique to synthesize monolayer films

A NIMS research group has developed a novel technique to synthesize monolayer films composed of neatly tiled two-dimensional materials, such as oxide nanosheets and graphene, on substrate surfaces in as quickly as one minute.

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