Study reveals key gene in Delphinium petal differentiation

A recent study investigated the role of the APETALA3–3 ortholog in shaping the diverse morphologies of petals in Delphinium anthriscifolium. This gene, previously known for its function in petal identity, is now revealed ...

Tea science: Gene discovery to boost mechanical harvesting

Researchers have made significant strides in understanding the genetic factors influencing tea plant leaf droopiness, a key determinant of mechanical harvest success. By identifying the CsEXL3 gene and its regulation by CsBES1.2, ...

Study explores how key gene modulates terpene aroma in grapes

A study explores the ethylene-responsive gene VviERF003's influence on glycosylated monoterpenoid synthesis in grapes, which are pivotal for the fruity and floral notes in wines. Understanding this genetic regulation provides ...

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