Scientists turn skin into blood (w/ Video)

( -- In an important breakthrough, scientists at McMaster University have discovered how to make human blood from adult human skin.

McMaster researchers say not all stem cells the same

Until now it's been thought that human stem cell lines are all identical and possess the same ability to differentiate, or change into more specific cell types. But new research from McMaster University has shown there are ...

Researchers discover a new antibacterial lead

( -- Antibiotic resistance has been a significant problem for hospitals and health-care facilities for more than a decade. But despite the need for new treatment options, there have been only two new classes of ...

'Surprising link' leads toward a new antibiotic

( -- As the best drugs become increasingly resistant to superbugs, McMaster University researchers have discovered a completely different way of looking for a new antibiotic.

Even stars get fat -- And 'stellar cannibalism' is the reason

Researchers have discovered evidence that blue stragglers in globular clusters, whose existence has long puzzled astronomers, are the result of 'stellar cannibalism' in binary stars. In other words, binary stars are eating ...

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