Max Planck- Gesselschaft is one of 80 Max Planck Institutes for the study and advancement of science. The Max Planck Society was established in 1948 and is headquartered in Munich, Germany with outreach around the globe. Max Planck was the founder of quantum theory. Today the Max Planck Institutes are respected around the globe for preeminent research which resulted in its associates being awarded 17 Nobel Prizes. Research is divided into two sections; -The Biology and Medicine Section and the Chemistry, Physics and Technology Section with approximately 7 sub-topics areas of research. The Max Planck institutes supports over 4100 scientists, 10,000 doctoral students and scholars. Its annual budget is approximately 1.3 billion Euros. The institutes are formed as not for profit and their influence is appreciated in scientific institutions around the globe.

P.O. Box 10 10 62 80084 Munchen

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Discovery unveils new path to ethanol production from CO₂

In a study published in Energy & Environmental Science, researchers from the Interface Science Department at the Fritz Haber Institute have introduced a novel method for converting the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) ...

Did dwarf planet Ceres originate in the asteroid belt?

The dwarf planet Ceres has a diameter of almost 1,000 kilometers and is located in the asteroid belt. In the television series "The Expanse," Ceres gained new fame as the main base of the so-called 'belters': in this series, ...