Leipzig University in Leipzig in the Free State of Saxony, Germany, is one of the world's oldest universities in Germany.


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Biophysicists decipher functionality of adrenaline-binding receptor

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are found throughout the human body and are involved in many complex signaling pathways. Despite their importance in many biological processes, the central mechanism of G protein-coupling ...

How shifting cloud patterns are exacerbating climate change

In a warming climate, cloud patterns are changing in ways that amplify global warming. A team of researchers led by Professor Johannes Quaas from Leipzig University and Hao Luo and Professor Yong Han from Sun Yat-sen University ...

Utilizing active microparticles for artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence using neural networks performs calculations digitally with the help of microelectronic chips. Physicists at Leipzig University have now created a type of neural network that works not with electricity ...

Study quantifies office Christmas parties and employee happiness

A bad-tempered or overly complimentary boss, colleagues who drink too much alcohol and behave badly, an awkward atmosphere, forced festivities or a party in a random pub in the middle of nowhere—there are many factors that ...

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