Imaging a catalyst one atom at a time

( -- The catalytic processes that facilitate the production of many chemicals and fuels could become much more environmentally friendly thanks to a breakthrough achieved by researchers from Lehigh and Rice Universities.

Building a better catalyst

( -- An engineering student illuminates the inner workings of vanadium oxide before an audience of biologists and chemists in Japan.

What could Facebook have to hide?

In a controversial move deemed either shrewd or unfair -- depending on whom you ask -- investment firm Goldman Sachs recently invested $450 million in the high-profile, world-changer Facebook. The deal provides Facebook with ...

Social movements and their effect on political change

(—The 20th century in India witnessed a fierce independence movement, a mid-century struggle over post-colonial identity politics, and a prolonged period of regional political and economic turmoil. Tracing these ...

Shining light on the elusive carbon nanotube

Michael Blades shakes a small bottle of liquid and watches as tiny black specks swirl around. Each speck represents a cluster of millions of carbon nanotubes (CNTs).

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