Unique sighting of lava solves mystery

(Phys.org) —Scientists have made the first ever observations of how a rare type of lava continues moving almost a year after a volcanic eruption.

Awesome still massively popular but say goodbye to tar-rah matey

The need to communicate with a wider-world coupled with a move away from the cosy, close-knit communities of the 90s has dramatically changed the way British people speak over the last two decades, new research has revealed.

Fish give up the fight after coral bleaching

Researchers found that when water temperatures heat up for corals, fish 'tempers' cool down, providing the first clear evidence of coral bleaching serving as a trigger for rapid change in reef fish behaviour.

What your choice of smartphone says about you

Android users are more honest than iPhone users say psychologists, in a study published this week which is the first to find a link between personality and smartphone type.

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