The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven  listen (help·info), now referring to itself simply as KU Leuven, is a Dutch-speaking university in Flanders, Belgium. It is located at the centre of the historic town of Leuven, home to the university since 1425. The Catholic University of Leuven, to a certain extent Belgium's oldest university, split into the KU Leuven and the French-language Université catholique de Louvain, which moved to Louvain-la-Neuve in Wallonia. Since the fifteenth century, Louvain, as it is still often called, has been a major contributor to the development of Catholic theology. With 36,923 students in 2009–2010, the KU Leuven is the largest university in Belgium and the Low Countries. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven also has a campus at Kortrijk, formerly known as Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Afdeling Kortrijk (KULAK). The university now also offers several programs in English. Times Higher Education ranked the KU Leuven as the world's 67th best university (2011-2012). It ranks among what The Guardian calls world's "super-elite universities".

Leuven, Belgium, Belgium

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Astronomers capture stellar winds in unprecedented detail

Astronomers have presented an explanation for the shapes of planetary nebulae. The discovery is based on a set of observations of stellar winds around aging stars. Contrary to common consensus, the team found that stellar ...

Genetic code of the deadly tsetse fly unraveled

Mining the genome of the disease-transmitting tsetse fly, researchers have revealed the genetic adaptions that allow it to have such unique biology and transmit disease to both humans and animals.

Intercellular messengers reveal themselves

The cells in our body continuously keep each other informed. They do this by exchanging, among other things, virus-like vesicles. Pascale Zimmermann's group, from the Department of Human Genetics, has been studying these ...

Stem cell biologists create new human cell type for research

Professor Vincent Pasque and his team at KU Leuven have managed to generate a new type of human cell in the lab using stem cells. The new cells closely resemble their natural counterparts in early human embryos. As a result, ...

The black box behind embryonic development

DNA regulation is a critical process in a cell that allows it to fulfill its function. This process is key during pregnancy, when embryonic cells must develop into all cell types needed to form an embryo. An international ...

Even dying stars can still give birth to planets

Planets are usually not much older than the stars around which they revolve. Take the sun: It was born 4.6 billion years ago, and not long after that, Earth developed. But KU Leuven astronomers have discovered that a completely ...

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