Scientists discover why silver clusters emit light

Clusters of silver atoms captured in zeolites, a porous material with small channels and voids, have remarkable light-emitting properties. They can be used for more efficient lighting applications as a substitute for LED ...

Natural sniper kills hospital bacterium

Bacteria produce proteins to take out specific competitors. One of these proteins can kill the hospital bacterium pseudomonas aeruginosa. Microbial geneticists at KU Leuven, Belgium, have unraveled how this protein launches ...

More efficient separation of methane and CO2

To make natural gas and biogas suitable for use, the methane has to be separated from the CO2. This involves the use of membranes, filters that stop the methane and allow the CO2 to pass through. Researchers at KU Leuven ...

Computer program detects differences between human cells

"How many different cell types are there in a human body? And how do these differences develop? Nobody really knows," says Professor Stein Aerts from KU Leuven (University of Leuven) and VIB, Belgium. But thanks to a new ...

Writing the building blocks of solar technology with lasers

Most of today's technology in solar energy, telecommunications and microchips is constructed using silicon-based materials. However, in recent years, a new family of semiconducting materials, perovskites, has burst onto the ...

Humans no longer have ancient defence mechanism against viruses

Insects and plants have an important ancient defence mechanism that helps them to fight viruses. This is encoded in their DNA. Scientists have long assumed that vertebrates - including humans - also had this same mechanism. ...

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