Smaller, more powerful devices possible with new technique

Shrinking semiconductors even further would enable a whole new silicon revolution. But because that's impossible, the next best hope is integrating semiconductors with 2-D atomically-thin materials, such as graphene, upon ...

Wheat gluten can be used to make sustainable diaper material

More sustainable diapers are one possible use for a new bio-based material that researchers in Sweden are developing. The superabsorbent material is made with wheat gluten proteins from wheat starch processing, without directly ...

Study show what makes plant cell walls compress and stretch

New findings about the building blocks of plant fibers open the door to advances in material engineering as well as food and agriculture, a Swedish-Australian research collaboration reported. The findings, published today ...

New test strip preserves clues that blood tests often miss

A new synthetic paper for finger prick blood tests could provide accurate point-of-care diagnostics for cancer, COVID-19 and other serious diseases. Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology say the innovation allows ...

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