Image: Janus from afar

Cassini's narrow angle camera captures Saturn's tiny irregular moon Janus surrounded by the vast, dark expanse of the outer solar system.

First 2014 asteroid discovered: Update

( —Several sources confirm that the first discovered asteroid in 2014, designated 2014 AA, entered Earth's atmosphere late Jan. 1 (Jan. 2 Universal time) over the mid-Atlantic Ocean. The Catalina Sky Survey operating ...

Cassini sees Saturn and moons in holiday dress

( —This holiday season, feast your eyes on images of Saturn and two of its most fascinating moons, Titan and Enceladus, in a care package from NASA's Cassini spacecraft. All three bodies are dressed and dazzling ...

Dawn creates guide to Vesta's hidden attractions

( —Some beauty is revealed only at a second glance. When viewed with the human eye, the giant asteroid Vesta, which was the object of scrutiny by the Dawn spacecraft from 2011 to 2012, is quite unspectacular color-wise. ...

Clay-like minerals found on icy crust of moon Europa

( —A new analysis of data from NASA's Galileo mission has revealed clay-type minerals at the surface of Jupiter's icy moon Europa that appear to have been delivered by a spectacular collision with an asteroid or ...

California water planners hear NASA long-term forecast

Recent NASA research tying California weather to large-scale atmospheric patterns contributed to the newly issued experimental Winter Outlook Forecast for Water Year 2014 by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR). ...

Massive black hole duo: Possible sighting by WISE

( —Astronomers have spotted what appear to be two supermassive black holes at the heart of a remote galaxy, circling each other like dance partners. The incredibly rare sighting was made with the help of NASA's ...

Dawn spacecraft fills out its Ceres dance card

( —It's going to be a ball when NASA's Dawn spacecraft finally arrives at the dwarf planet Ceres, and mission managers have now inked in the schedule on Dawn's dance card.

NASA iPad app shows startling environmental changes

Human activities, a changing climate and natural disasters are rapidly altering the face of our planet. Now, with NASA's Images of Change iPad application, users can get an interactive before-and-after view of these changes.

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