Scientists count microscopic particles without a microscope

Scientists from Russia and Australia have proposed a simple new way of counting microscopic particles in optical materials by means of a laser. A light beam passing through such a material splits and forms a characteristic ...

Researchers demonstrate a platform for future optical transistors

Leading research groups in the field of nanophotonics are working toward developing optical transistors—key components for future optical computers. These devices will process information with photons instead of electrons, ...

Inkjet hologram printing now possible

Vivid holographic images and text can now be produced by means of an ordinary inkjet printer. This new method, developed by a team of scientists from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, is expected to significantly reduce ...

Scientists capture light in a polymeric quasicrystal

ITMO University scientists have conducted several experiments to investigate polymeric quasicrystals that ultimately confirmed their initial theory. In the future, the use of quasicrystals may open up new possibilities for ...

Quantum dots offer new platform for fingertip terahertz devices

Scientists from Russia and the U.K. have developed an antenna that can aid in reducing sources of terahertz radiation down to the size of a fingertip. The antenna is a "sandwich" of semiconductor layers combined with quantum ...

Physicists made crystal lattice from polaritons

An international research team produced an analog of a solid-body crystal lattice from polaritons, hybrid photon-electron quasiparticles. In the resulting polariton lattice, the energy of certain particles does not depend ...

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