New catalyst removes sulfur from crude oil

The reduction of sulfur in the manufacture of gasoline and diesel generates large amounts of greenhouse gases, so specialists from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) in Mexico created an innovative catalytic material ...

Novel ceramics convert wasted heat into electricity

Talia Alvarez, currently studying her doctorate at the University Of Manchester, U.K., has designed nanostructured ceramics, which are thermoelectric materials that convert the heat produced un industrial processes into electrical ...

Biofilter made from peanut shell degrades air pollutants

In order to clean the air of pollutants such as methanol and solvents used in the industry, biotechnology expert Raul Pineda Olmedo, of the National University of Mexico (UNAM), designed a biofilter that uses microorganisms ...

New prototype purifies air and removes pollution

In order to reduce the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere, Raul Suarez Parra, researcher at the Institute for Renewable Energy (IER) of the National University of Mexico (UNAM), created a prototype air washer that absorbs ...

Company patents technology to feed cattle from waste

The phrase "squeeze until the very last drop" literally came true for Biotectra, a Mexican company that managed to extract nutrients from organic waste and transform them into a main ingredient for cattle food.

Microalgae increases the survival of juvenile queen conch

Tthe Mexican Caribbean is habitat to several species of snails. Historically the most abundant was Strombus gigas, commonly called the pink snail. For years, this snail has been harvested for its shells and meat, but is now ...

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