Nano-hydrogels that attack cancer cells

Hydrogels are materials that are commonly used in everyday objects such as contact lenses or diapers, in order to control humidity. However, chemical engineers at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), in Mexico, have developed ...

Researcher identifies defects in solar cells made of silicon

Since he was a teenager, engineer Sergio Castellanos had the desire to study abroad to prepare and do research in the best laboratories, particularly on solar energy. With six years of study in the United States, first at ...

Time to reactivate nuclear energy

The energy sector has been one of the strategic infrastructural areas for Mexico, not only as a revenue generator for the nation but as a lever of industrial development. However, Mexico has a deficit in generating technologies ...

Production of 500 daily litres of bioethanol from food waste

From waste generated in the processing of cereals, scientists from the Center for Research and Assistance in Technology and Design of the State of Jalisco (CIATEJ) have produced bioenergy in the form of ethanol, and designed ...

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