Agribusiness substances obtained from native plants

The aromas and flavors perceived in plants are mainly due to the presence of essential oils, substances used as raw materials in the chemical or cosmetic industries. The Mexican Scientific Research Center of Yucatan (CICY), ...

Four new machines to aid oil extraction

The Center for Engineering and Industrial Development (CIDESI), located in Mexico, designed "tailored suits" for the oil industry. These are various machines that are used in the oil extraction processes and are essential ...

New technology successfully removes heavy metals from water

The methods traditionally used to remove heavy metals from wastewater have limitations because they only withdraw a certain percentage and the remaining amount is very difficult to remove. This motivated a young graduate ...

Artificial intelligence lenses for the blind created

Combining computational geometry, artificial intelligence, geo and ultrasound techniques, among others, scientists from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (CINVESTAV) created a device to help people with low vision ...

Nanotechnology used in sunscreens

The cosmetic industry is one of the most competitive in the world, that is why is noteworthy that a Mexican development is part of one of the most pervasive innovations in recent years. It is the application of nanoparticles ...

Why cells allow the passage of disease

Using a digital microscopic holography technique, specialists at the Center for Research in Optics in Mexico, seek to know under what conditions the membranes of cells are deformed or broken, and determine how the permission ...

Success installing wastewater treatment plants on slaughterhouses

The wastewater with high organic content, such as the one discarded on slaughterhouses, can be cleaned of up to 96 percent of its pollutants thanks to technology developed by Mexican scientists, which also promotes the generation ...

Chemical marker facilitates plastic recycling

Some years ago, a small recycling company asked the Center for Research in Advanced Materials (CIMAV) at Monterrey in the northeast of Mexico, a technology to identify PVC from PET, since the material caused them losses in ...

Researching materials to optimize battery performance

Creating environment friendly energy storage systems, non-explosive and with charge/discharge long-term cycles, motivated a group of scientists from the Autonomous Metropolitan University, Campus Iztapalapa (UAM -I), to research ...

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