Potato ravaging pest controlled with fungi

Approximately six thousand hectares of Veracruz, in the west coast of Mexico, are dedicated to the production of potato (Solanum tuberosum). During the past 30 years, the fields of the Cofre de Perote area were affected by ...

Industrial waste converted in coating for aircraft turbines

A group of specialists from the Center for Research in Advanced Materials (Cimav), have developed nanostructured coatings capable of withstanding temperatures exceeding 1000 degrees Celsius, which are used in aviation turbine ...

Growing mushrooms in diapers

Mexico is the third largest consumer of disposable diapers globally, which led a Mexican scientist to design a technology capable of degrading the product materials by the mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus.

Electricity helping the blind navigate

Specialists at the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) developed a device able to guide blind or visually impaired people in established routes through electrical stimulation of the organs associated with balance (vestibular ...

Bamboo pale Ale beer from modern craft brewery

In order to be a novel alternative in the industry of microbreweries in Mexico, a young entrepreneur opted for the manufacture and marketing of a beer made from bamboo, first of its kind in the country and Latin America, ...

X-rays in five seconds

Wanting to replace the medical equipment for taking X-rays, the Mexican Society of Radiology (CMR) created a system of digital x-ray imaging, which replaces the traditional plaque by a solid detector, which delivers results ...

Brand new technology detects probiotic organisms in food

In the food industr, ity is very important to ensure the quality and safety of products consumed by the population to improve their properties and reduce foodborne illness. Therefore, a team of Mexican researchers developed ...

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