To navigate, flies make flexible mental maps of the world

In a circular arena, a fruit fly navigates a virtual landscape illuminated by black and blue lights. The fly is tethered in place, able to flap its wings but not move its head. Images on the wall rotate to give the illusion ...

In India: A search for more effective tuberculosis drugs

Rajesh Gokhale has created a compound in his lab in India that stops tuberculosis in its tracks. In a test tube, the molecule hits four of the bacterium's crucial metabolic pathways at the same time, weakening and ultimately ...

Transcription runs like clockwork

(—It's not just a few key genes and proteins that cycle on and off in humans in a 24-hour circadian pattern as the sun rises and falls. Thousands of genes in organs throughout the body show predictable daily fluctuations, ...

Kinetochore structure reveals how it takes hold

( -- With the first-ever three-dimensional image of an isolated kinetochore – the bulky molecular machine that connects a chromosome to the long, thin microtubules that tug it to one end of a dividing cell -- ...

Protein recycling machine visualized

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) scientists have new structures of an essential cellular recycling machine that depict its structure with near atomic-level detail. The structures, which show a protein called NSF alone ...

Flies navigate using complex mental math

The treadmills in Rachel Wilson's laboratories at Harvard Medical School aren't like any you'll find at a gym. They're spherical, for one, and encased in bowling ball–sized plastic bubbles. They're also built for flies.

Flies remember where to chill out

( -- By recalling landmarks in the environment, a leopard can return to the tree where it stashed its kill and a shopper can find her car in the mall’s parking lot. Fruit flies also commit details of their ...

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