Harvard Medical School, (HMS) was founded in 1782. Today, HMS is a hub of medical research, patient care, physician and nurses training and education network. The faculty includes 10,884 professors/researchers and physicians, including 30 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigators and 87 National Academy of Sciences members. HMS is highly selective in student selection. Annually over 5,000 applications are submitted for MD first year slots and less than 200 are accepted. The total student body includes dental students, PhD health programs and a variety of combination degrees.

25 Shattuck Street Boston, MA 02115

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Ancient human DNA in sub-Saharan Africa lifts veil on prehistory

The first large-scale study of ancient human DNA from sub-Saharan Africa opens a long-awaited window into the identity of prehistoric populations in the region and how they moved around and replaced one another over the past ...

New branch added to European family tree

The setting: Europe, about 7,500 years ago. Agriculture was sweeping in from the Near East, bringing early farmers into contact with hunter-gatherers who had already been living in Europe for tens of thousands of years.

Evolution reveals missing link between DNA and protein shape

Fifty years after the pioneering discovery that a protein's three-dimensional structure is determined solely by the sequence of its amino acids, an international team of researchers has taken a major step toward fulfilling ...

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