In Silicon Valley, human capital trumps intellectual capital

Job postings are a key tool for attracting qualified tech workers. However, companies face a dilemma: On the one hand, they want to provide enough information to attract the right candidates; on the other hand, they want ...

Do former regulators improve the quality of audits?

In their auditing capacity, accounting firms, such as the "Big Four"—Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PWC—function as watchdogs for publicly traded companies. They're tasked with ensuring financial disclosures are accurate and ...

Can non-partisan news survive in the online echo chamber?

Journalists are supposed to go where the story takes them, unrestrained by political bias. But the online media market puts the ideal of journalistic objectivity to a severe test, as highly partisan news sources compete for ...

How much should a textbook cost? Try '$0.00'

OER (open educational resources) are learning materials that have been licensed for payment-free use by educators and students. Researchers and experts in the field of higher education are increasingly considering OER as ...

What happens when you can't be yourself at work

Like many other essentials of life, our sense of self is something we often take for granted, until it's under threat. When our circumstances appear at odds with who we feel ourselves to be, we are pitched headlong into a ...

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