Extinct lakes of the American desert west

Boulder, Colo., USA: The vestiges of lakes long extinct dot the landscape of the American desert west. These fossilized landforms provide clues of how dynamic climate has been over the past few million years.

The earthworm effect: Unraveling soil weathering dynamics

Earthworms, the hardworking invertebrates that grace the upper layers of soil, have long been considered helpful in our home gardens. Earthworms are prolific munchers, grinding up organic material and sediment grains that ...

Tough microbe settlers in the concrete jungle

It is easy to forget that much of our cities—the sidewalks, buildings, bridges, and runways—are made from the world's most common building material: concrete.

New map highlights sinking Louisiana coast

Researchers at Tulane University have developed a subsidence map of coastal Louisiana, putting the rate at which this region is sinking at just over one third of an inch per year.

Methane seeps in the Canadian high Arctic

Cretaceous climate warming led to a significant methane release from the seafloor, indicating potential for similar destabilization of gas hydrates under modern global warming. A field campaign on the remote Ellef Ringnes ...

Charred flowers and the fossil record

One of the main types of fossil used to understand the first flowering plants (angiosperms) are charred flowers. These charcoals were produced in ancient wildfires, and they provide some evidence for the types of plants that ...

New study examines 2017-2018 Thomas Fire debris flows

Shortly before the beginning of the 2017-2018 winter rainy season, one of the largest fires in California (USA) history (Thomas fire) substantially increased the susceptibility of steep slopes in Santa Barbara and Ventura ...

Geothermal energy, aluto volcano, and Ethiopia's rift valley

In their open access paper published in Geosphere this month, William Hutchison and colleagues present new data from Ethiopia's Rift Valley and Aluto volcano, a major volcano in the region. Aluto is Ethiopia's main source ...

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