Pain relief without side effects and addiction

New substances that activate adrenalin receptors instead of opioid receptors have a similar pain relieving effect to opiates, but without the negative aspects such as respiratory depression and addiction.

Researchers discover method for preventing limescale

From cloudy glasses to deposits in dishwashers—limescale is a ubiquitous problem. An international research collaboration led by two researchers at FAU has now investigated which substances could be added to dishwasher ...

Web archive with astronomical photographic plates goes online

Lots of little dots with no apparent pattern: Where laypeople may just see milky gray photos sprinkled with what look like random crumbs, it is enough to make astronomers' hearts miss a beat. We are talking about historical ...

Nano-rust: Smart additive for autonomous temperature control

The right temperature matters—whether in technical processes, for the quality of food and medicines, or the lifetime of electronic components and batteries. For this purpose, temperature indicators record (un)desired temperature ...

Is the German discount on fuel being passed on to consumers?

The German federal government introduced the "fuel discount" on June 1, 2022. This reduction in energy taxes means that consumers should pay less for fuel. A team of researchers from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg ...

Investigating electrons with a traditional scanning microscope

Physicists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have designed a framework that allows scientists to observe interactions between light and electrons using a traditional scanning electron microscope. ...

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