The Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB) was formed in 1992. It comprises eight research institutes. The institutes operate autonomously, but with a single common administration. About 1200 scientists and support staff are employed collectively and the institutes are funded 50/50 by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the State of Berlin. The research is highly complex and spans the spectrum of scientific inquiry, including advanced optics, microwave, and applied sciences.

Rudover Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin, Germany

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Do fish feel pain?

Fish do not feel pain the way humans do. That is the conclusion drawn by an international team of researchers consisting of neurobiologists, behavioural ecologists and fishery scientists. One contributor to the landmark study ...

Birch trees remove microplastics from the soil

With the help of trees, microplastic-polluted soils could be remediated. For the first time, researchers at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) have shown that birch trees absorb microplastics ...

Researchers reconsider roles of second-rank hyena males

Males that don't leave home are not second-class, but can breed as successfully as their more adventurous competitors that leave home, according to a new long-term study on spotted hyenas. The results from a research team ...

An 88 percent decline in large freshwater animals

Rivers and lakes cover just about one percent of Earth's surface, but are home to one third of all vertebrate species worldwide. At the same time, freshwater life is highly threatened. Scientists from the Leibniz-Institute ...

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